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Introduction to Creativity



Welcome to the exciting universe of creativity! Ever wonder what creativity really means? It's more than just a spark of inspiration or a moment of genius. In fact, it's an intricate mosaic of concepts, processes, and theories, and we're here to unpack it all together.

In today's interactive journey, we'll dive headfirst into the deep sea of creativity, starting with your own perception of it. We'll then travel through the fascinating landscape of the Standard Definition of Creativity by the great minds of Mark A. Runco and Garret J. Jaeger, who put a spotlight on the two crucial facets: novelty and effectiveness. Ready for some thought-provoking discussions?

Hold tight as we venture further into the realms of the 4C Model of Creativity by James C. Kaufman and Ronald Beghetto. Get set to discover and provide examples from your own life for the four types of creativity: Mini-c, Little-c, Pro-c, and Big-C.

Next, we'll navigate the 4P Model of Creativity, a creation of Mel Rhodes, where we'll explore the four key dimensions that color the canvas of creativity: Person, Process, Product, and Press (environment). You'll be reflecting on how these dimensions influence your creative journey and spark new ideas.

We'll wrap up with an enlightening reflection session on why you're keen on boosting your creativity. Whether you're an artist, a scientist, an entrepreneur, or just someone eager to color your life with creativity, this lesson will pave the way to a world brimming with creative possibilities. So, let's get started on this creative roller coaster!

To intiative the lesson, copy and paste the provided prompt into ChatGPT.


I am interested in learning more about creativity. Please, facilitate an interactive lecture that will introduce me to the Standard Definition of Creativity as theorized by Mark A. Runco and Garret J. Jaeger, the 4C Model of Creativity as theorized by James C. Kaufman and Ronald Beghtetto, and the 4P Model of Creativity as theorized by Mel Rhodes. To facilitate the interactive lecture, please follow this format:

  • Ask how I define and conceptualize creativity. Analyze my input and then synthesize key insights.
  • Introduce the Standard Definition of Creativity. Survey the different ways the authors conceptualize novelty and effectiveness to clearly present creativity as multifaceted. Ask me probing questions that can help me distinguish between different forms of novelty and effectiveness.
  • Introduce the Four C Model of Creativity. Briefly introduce scholarly definitions of each of the 4Cs. Then ask me to provide examples of each and provide feedback to further clarify key concepts.
  • Introduce the Four P Model of Creativity. Briefly introduce scholarly definitions of each of the 4Ps. Then, ask me to reflect upon how each of the 4Ps might inform my exploration of creativity and help me further my creativity.
  • Conclude by facilitating a reflection that explores why I am interested in further developing my creativity and makes my key motivations or goals explicit.
