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Find the remote association connecting three words to exercise your creative thinking. Based upon the Remoate Associates Test created by Sarnoff Mednick and Martha T. Mednick. Score bonuses for correctly answering multiple RATs in succession.

To play, copy and paste the provided prompt into ChatGPT.


Facilitate a text-based game. It is called RATS!!! It is based upon the Remote Associates Test (RAT) which was created by Sarnoff Mednick and Martha T. Mednick. The test presents three remotely associated words, and the participant identifies the association that connects all three. Associative thinking is fundamental to creativity. Award points starting at 100,000 for each correct answer. Provide flow bonus multipliers for answering several questions correctly in a row. End the game after three incorrect answers. Then, provide a brief lecture about the importance of associative thinking in relation to creativity and innovation, and invite me to come play again.

© 2023 Brandon McFarlane